Role models

As a teacher, I have taught children from very diverse backgrounds and different levels of social class. No matter where a child is from, I can always identify their behaviours from home through their role play either with other children or when they play with small world. Small world is using smaller models of life size objects, people and places.

We read together every day and I cannot stress the importance of reading. Speaking and listening go hand in hand, always talk about what you are doing like a running commentary and that is how children absorb extra vocabulary and understanding when they start to connect what you are saying with your actions. Listening to your child is also important and always make eye contact showing you value what they are saying.

When you read often to your child, you also broaden their imagination and it won’t be long before they want to read to you!! When we purchase books, I allow Leah to choose the ones she is interested in.

A parent or a primary carer is a child’s first teacher. You are your child’s role model and they will copy most of what you say and do!! I talk a lot and so does my daughter. She says phrases such as ‘I’m tired’ or ‘sooo cute’. When she has tantrums, I always tell her I am sad with her behaviour and do my best to distract her. This usually settles her.

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